Upcoming Policy Changes

Integration of Lexipol policies with BVIVFPD policies.


*Policy items to be discussed at proposed meeting date. Feel free to upload/print policy draft to review and prepare for discussion items. 



1014 Personnel Complaints

1018 Personnel Records

1020 Grievance Procedure

1023 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

1029 Uniform Regulations

1030 Badges

1031 Identification Cards

1034 Release of HIPAA-Protected Information

1036 Line-of-Duty Death

1037 Line-of-Duty Death and Serious Injury Notification

1040 Family and Medical Leave

1041 Military Leave

1042 Pregnancy Disability Leave

600 Fire Equipment Driver/Operator Training

03/12/2024 & 3/14/2024

400 Fire Inspections

401 Permits

 402 Fire Investigations
403 Code Enforcement

500 Pre-Hospital Care Reports

502 Patient Refusal of Pre-Hospital Care

503 Advance Health Care Directives

505 Controlled Substance Accountability

614 Training Records

800 Records Management

801 Release of Records

802 Subpoenas

803 Patient Medical Record Security and Privacy

701 Personal Communication Devices

710 Non-Official Use of [Department_Agency] Property

901 Cal/OSHA Inspections

902 Cal/OSHA Notification of Injury, Illness, or Death

903 Communicable Diseases

908 Respiratory Protection Program

909 Personal Alarm Devices

917 Hazard Communication

1009 Reporting for Duty

1014 Personnel Complaints

02/27/24 & 03/05/24

325, Performance of Duties

328, Line-of-Duty Death Investigations

1028, Personal Appearance Standards

1013, Conduct and Behavior

900, Illness and Injury Prevention Program

1032, On-Duty Injuries

1033, Temporary Modified-Duty Assignments

1035, Return to Work

915, Personal Protective Equipment

1012, Discriminatory Harassment

1024, Workplace Violence

1026, Smoking/Tobacco Products

1027, Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace

1044, Nepotism and Conflicting Relationships

1046, Anti-Retaliation

305, Tactical Withdrawal

209, Post-Incident Analysis

210, Annual Planning Master Calendar

301, Emergency Response

308, Atmospheric Monitoring for Carbon Monoxide

205, Liability Claims

335, Duty Firearms and Use of Force

918, Personal Firearms


306, Response Time Standards

202, [Department_Agency] Directives

1045, Member Speech, Expression and Social Networking

205, Liability Claims

206, Administrative Communications

704, Information Technology Use

709, Photography and Electronic Imaging

300, Incident Management

302, Fireground Accountability

303, Rapid Intervention/Two-In Two-Out

919, Roadway Incident Safety


70, Mission

80, Philosophy and Goals

90, [Firefighter] Code of Ethics

100, Fire Service Authority

101, Chief Executive Officer

102, Oath of Office

103, Policy Manual

200, Organizational Structure

208, Minimum Staffing Levels

Last updated: 01/10/2022
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