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STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY Gavin Newsom, Governor GENERAL PUBLIC INTEREST ADDITIONAL WRITTEN COMMENT PERIOD California Code of Regulations TITLE 14. Natural Resources DIVISION 1.5. Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CHAPTER 7. Fire Protection SUBCHAPTER 3. Fire Hazard ARTICLE 1. Fire Hazard Severity SECTION 1280.01. Fire Hazard Severity Zones in the SRA TITLE 19. Public Safety DIVISION 1. State Fire Marshal CHAPTER 17. Fire Hazard Severity Zones, 2022 NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL WRITTEN COMMENT PERIOD On December 16, 2022, the Office of the State Fire Marshal published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning the Regulations Relating to Fire Hazard Severity Zones in the State Responsibility Area. (California Regulatory Notice Register 2022, No. 50-Z, December 16, 2022, p. 1490.) The original written comment period for this action was: December 16, 2022, through February 3, 2023. The Department is now providing an additional written comment period to allow more time for review of the map entitled "State Responsibility Area Fire Hazard Severity Zones." The additional written comment availability is: February 3, 2023, through April 4, 2023. DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL 715 'P' Street, Suite 900 PO Box 944246 SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2460 Website: Written comments may be submitted by U.S. mail to the following address: Office of the State Fire Marshal California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection P.O. Box 944246 Sacramento, CA 94244-2460 Attn: Scott Witt, Deputy Chief Written comments can also be hand delivered or sent by courier to the contact person listed in this notice at the following address: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Office of the State Fire Marshal C/O: Scott Witt California Natural Resources Building 715 P Street, 9th floor Sacramento, CA 95818 Written comments may also be delivered via e-mail at the following address: AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS The Additional Written Comment Period, Notice of Proposed Action, Initial Statement of Reasons, Express Terms (TEXT) of Regulations, and any other materials concerning this rulemaking can be accessed on the Office of the State Fire Marshal website: Title 19 Development ( under the tab titled: (FHSZ) Fire Hazard Severity Zones Classification in the State Responsibility Area.

Last updated: 01/10/2022
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